Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Our Four-Pronges Approach to Creating a Sales-Focused Organization

performance improvement, performance improvement ann arbor
Based on our experience, we have found that the importance of a solid foundation can’t be understated. If the foundation of your home had a large crack, you would be rightfully worried and call a professional to get it taken care of as soon as possible. Why look at business any differently?

We believe in a four-pronged approach to creating a Sales-Focused Organization:

  1. Sales fundamentals such as an effective sales process, your power statements with strong messaging, and powerful conversations that combine these fundamentals, to build upon and drive success for you and your team.
  2. Effective sales management, meaning the sales leader/manager should squarely be focused on the development of strong performing sales team members and working closely with them to refine skills and abilities that result in enhanced performance and therefore better results.

Read the full list on our website!

Building or enhancing your revenue performance will depend on how well you develop your sales foundations. These will be critical to your sales success. For the specifics of your business, its sales efforts, and their success we’ll need to rely on your candid assessment. So, don’t wait, take stock today and figure out where success or the lack of it is coming from.

In future months we will examine, separately and in depth, Sales Foundations, and each of the other Five Business Dangers. We will also provide a free assessment tool that will highlight specific gaps within the Five Business Dangers.

Your Gateway to Performance Improvement and Business Success

If you’re feeling some pressure to address the success of your business, don’t wait – it doesn’t take more than a brief phone call…

David is an accomplished and experienced business professional who brings over 40 years of insight to the table. As a business coach, he specializes in helping business owners prioritize their needs. He can help you examine the health of your business and find critical areas which once addressed will result in performance improvement for your business.

It all starts with a single, free conversation. Call 734-726-5208 today for a free coaching session or contact David. Your success is waiting!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

High Performing Sales for Your Business

performance improvement, performance improvement ann arbor
As a business owner/leader, are you frustrated that you're not hitting your sales goals and know something needs to change? Business leaders and owners often know that change is needed on the sales front, but they often are not sure exactly where to start, or how to drive positive change to improve sales results.

Let’s face it, Sales and a Company’s Sales Function form some of the most important success elements through the life cycles of any business that begins as a start-up, advances through early-stage growth, second stage growth, on to maturity, sustainability, and beyond.

If you are like many of the businesses we have worked with, you may have experienced the following:

  • frustration with not reaching your sales targets
  • sales cycles that are longer than expected
  • a pipeline that is too weak to make up the difference on too-slow-to-close opportunities
  • unsure if you have a good or the right sales process in place
  • as a business owner/leader, overwhelmed with both running the business and managing the sales function and/or sales team

 Read more on our website!

Your Gateway to Performance Improvement and Business Success

If you’re feeling some pressure to address the success of your business, don’t wait – it doesn’t take more than a brief phone call…

David is an accomplished and experienced business professional who brings over 40 years of insight to the table. As a business coach, he specializes in helping business owners prioritize their needs. He can help you examine the health of your business and find critical areas which once addressed will result in performance improvement for your business.

It all starts with a single, free conversation. Call 734-726-5208 today for a free coaching session or contact David. Your success is waiting!

Monday, September 16, 2024

How to Set Up a Marketing Plan to Improve Business Performance

A big part of your marketing effort and its success will lie in setting up a marketing plan – one that takes your marketing initiatives and creates specific plans for each marketing element. If you don’t currently have marketing data or marketing KPIs , this would be a good place to start, as data will be critical in assessing what is and is not working. 

As an example, for your website, you will want to optimize it for a set of search terms, and then know the number of visits per day or month, and which pages are viewed by visitors. You will also want to know how many web forms are completed and submitted. In the end, for each of the channels through which you market, you will want to know the number of contacts, phone calls, or leads each produced. This information will determine whether that particular channel is yielding a good marketing ROI (return on investment) or not. With data, you can decide what to add, change or stop. It will be a worthwhile investment of time to figure out where your marketing success or the lack of it is coming from.

Building or enhancing your revenue performance will depend on how well you develop your marketing foundations, messaging, and the channels you use to reach your intended audience. For the specifics of your business, its marketing efforts, and their success we’ll need to rely on your candid assessment. So, don’t wait, take stock today and figure out where success or the lack of it is coming from.

In future months we will examine, separately and in depth, Sales, and each of the other Five Business Dangers. We will also provide a free assessment tool that will highlight specific gaps within the Five Business Dangers.

Read more on our website!

Your Gateway to Performance Improvement and Business Success

If you’re feeling some pressure to address the success of your business, don’t wait – it doesn’t take more than a brief phone call…

David is an accomplished and experienced business professional who brings over 40 years of insight to the table. As a business coach, he specializes in helping business owners prioritize their needs. He can help you examine the health of your business and find critical areas which once addressed will result in performance improvement for your business.

It all starts with a single, free conversation. Call 734-726-5208 today for a free coaching session or contact David through the website. Your success is waiting!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

How Do You Market Your Business? Our Ideas for Improvement

performance improvement

Last month we discussed your company’s marketing and the fundamentals or foundation of a solid marketing plan – marketing messaging. Hopefully, you’ve reviewed these elements and taken a few steps to improve the foundation for your company’s marketing efforts.

Now that you have a solid foundation with great messaging, let’s review your marketing channels or marketing array – how do you reach your ideal target audience? What is your current marketing array? Here are a few ideas (though this is not an exhaustive list):

  • External signage
  • Logo with tag line
  • Email signature
  • Local advertising
  • Marketing collateral – flyers, brochures, etc.
  • Website
  • Local Chambers
  • Referral partners or organizations
  • Webinars, seminars, presentations
  • Business Associations
  • Networking Groups
  • Referral and loyalty programs
  • Social media
  • E-listings
  • Email marketing and nurture campaigns
  • Automation
  • Geogrid

…and many more…

Take a look at the list above. Which ones are already in place, which ones should be added and/or improved upon? If you are overwhelmed with what seems like endless possibilities, examine where your recent sales or marketing successes have come from. If you’re not already doing so, asking how people have heard about your company and its offerings will help to figure out what is and is not working for your marketing strategy.

Read more on our website!

Your Gateway to Performance Improvement and Business Success

If you’re feeling some pressure to address the success of your business, don’t wait – it doesn’t take more than a brief phone call…

David is an accomplished and experienced business professional who brings over 40 years of insight to the table. As a business coach, he specializes in helping business owners prioritize their needs. He can help you examine the health of your business and find critical areas which once addressed will result in performance improvement for your business.

It all starts with a single, free conversation. Call 734-726-5208 today for a free coaching session or contact David through the website. Your success is waiting!

Friday, August 16, 2024

The “What’s in It for Me” Factor & How It's Essential for Marketing

performance improvement
Learning the What's In It For Me (WIIFM) factor for your customers will help put the focus on them and on their experience before, during, and after receiving what you offer. For many businesses, asking for information about the experience of their customers will help shed light on what is enormously important to them. This at times may be at odds with the view of the business and their team. When you have this information at hand, it can be incorporated into your company’s unique selling or value proposition and guarantee.

You may have heard the phrase ‘stories sell’ – customer stories can make a dramatic difference in making your prospects warm up to what you offer. Donald Miller’s ‘Building a Story Brand’ (2017) is a great read on this topic. You will discover value in understanding the important roles of the hero and the guide.

Next month we will address channels through which to market your company’s offerings.

Building or enhancing your revenue performance will depend on how well you develop your marketing foundations and messaging. To get into the specifics of your business’s marketing efforts, we’ll need to rely on your candid assessment. Is it time to take stock to figure out where success or the lack of it is coming from?

In future months we will examine, separately and in depth, Marketing, Sales, and each of the other Five Business Dangers. We will also provide a free assessment tool that will highlight specific gaps within the Five Business Dangers.

Learn more on our website!

Your Gateway to Performance Improvement and Business Success

If you’re feeling some pressure to address the success of your business, don’t wait – it doesn’t take more than a brief phone call…

David is an accomplished and experienced business professional who brings over 40 years of insight to the table. As a business coach, he specializes in helping business owners prioritize their needs. He can help you examine the health of your business and find critical areas which once addressed will result in performance improvement for your business.

It all starts with a single, free conversation. Call 734-726-5208 today for a free coaching session or contact David today. Your success is waiting!

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Marketing Essentials for Your Business

performance improvement
Last month we touched on two of the Five Business Dangers that create revenue generation – marketing and sales. Hopefully, you’ve taken some time to define your company’s specific roles for marketing and sales – if not, you may wish to go back to last month’s article. We dedicate this month’s topic to marketing.

Laying a solid foundation to support your marketing efforts today and well into the future is essential for the success of your business! You may already have some key elements in place, but consider adjusting your marketing plan to include the following:

  • Why does your company exist (this may resonate with your target market)?
  • What does your company do – what is its product/service?
  • Who does your company serve – what is your target market?
  • Where is your target market found? What is your geographic footprint?
  • Does your company offer a niche product or service where what you offer is exceptional in your marketplace (i.e., better than 70% of your competition)
  • Where does what you offer land with regard to price or value?
  • What is the WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) factor for what your company offers?

Taking the time to develop the areas listed above will enhance the performance and effectiveness of your marketing efforts. They will provide your sales team with the necessary ammunition to power their sales efforts to success.

More info is here on our website!

Your Gateway to Performance Improvement and Business Success

If you’re feeling some pressure to address the success of your business, don’t wait – it doesn’t take more than a brief phone call…

David is an accomplished and experienced business professional who brings over 40 years of insight to the table. As a business coach, he specializes in helping business owners prioritize their needs. He can help you examine the health of your business and find critical areas which once addressed will result in performance improvement for your business.

It all starts with a single, free conversation. Call 734-726-5208 today for a free coaching session or contact David. Your life is waiting!

Monday, July 15, 2024

Revenue Generation: Critical to Your Business's Success

performance improvement, performance improvement ann arbor
There are many factors that can contribute to the success or failure of a business. A crucial one is revenue generation. Last month we touched on Five Business Dangers. The two that affect a business’s revenue are marketing and sales. We will dedicate this month’s topic to making distinctions between your Marketing and Sales efforts. It’s especially important that your company defines the role that its marketing and sales efforts need to play. For most companies, a mix of marketing and sales will be important. Depending on the product (or service) a company offers, a well-written product information or description may be all that is needed to generate a sale/transaction – think about the first iPhone and the long lines of willing buyers waiting to get their hands on one.

It is also important to think about KPIs (key performance indicators) for your marketing and sales efforts. People and positions also play a significant role and clarity for these is critical in driving success with your KPIs. Here are a few thoughts to help you define your marketing and/or sales:

  1. How are leads or opportunities created and by who or which department?
  2. How much support is needed to sell what you offer? Think Customer Service or Sales, or even something like Sales Engineer (a salesperson with engineering expertise)
  3. Is what you offer acquired transactionally (no or little help needed)?
  4. Is what you offer best supported through establishing a relationship? Think recurring revenue, professional service, repeat customer, referrals, etc.
  5. For either marketing and/or sales, what processes (steps) have you put into place?

Are the answers to the above questions unclear? If so, your team will be challenged to enhance your revenue performance.

Read more on our website!

Your Gateway to Performance Improvement and Business Success

If you’re feeling some pressure to address the success of your business, don’t wait – it doesn’t take more than a brief phone call…

David is an accomplished and experienced business professional who brings over 40 years of insight to the table. As a business coach, he specializes in helping business owners prioritize their needs. He can help you examine the health of your business and find critical areas which once addressed will result in performance improvement for your business.

It all starts with a single, free conversation. Call 734-726-5208 today for a free coaching session or contact David through the website. Your life is waiting.