Monday, July 19, 2021

A Business Transition Plan Makes Moving On Easier

Leaving your company for the next phase in your life may feel more difficult than you anticipate, especially if you’re selling the company. Make your exit plans early to ease your own transition when the end is in sight. Think about the kind of exit you want to make. Which way will you go? What will you choose to do next?

After all, you put a lot of yourself into building your company. Plan your transition to the next phase of your life with equal care and thought.

David can help you develop a business transition plan that ensures a smooth transition while looking out for your financial future.

For more information, visit our website!

Monday, July 5, 2021

Are You Ready for the Next Phase in Your Life?

Have you taken your business as far as you want it to go?

Are you thinking it’s time to retire and enjoy the life you’ve built?

Your strategic plan guided you through various transitions in your business, leading up to the exit you’re now considering. But once the end is in sight, there are other details to consider. For example, how you leave, what you leave behind, and how it will affect you financially

A business transition plan that covers all those elements is key to a seamless exit. It also ensures you’re prepared for the next phase of your life.

To learn more, or to schedule a free call with a business coach about your business transition plan, visit our website!