Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Everything Is So Uncertain: How Do I Find The Way Forward?

One of the first things a business owner will do is fill out a worksheet on the Top 5 Business Dangers. By taking time to reflect on their business and identifying its top challenges, we start a conversation about what needs to change. Ultimately, this helps us understand what is and is not working and compared to the owner’s desire, find the best way forward that fits their particular situation.

The Top 5 Business Dangers Worksheet is a valuable tool that helps business owners begin to sort through their own situation, available as a free download here!

The very personal nature of small business ownership can be a source of stress during economic hardship. You need a business coach that understands this and uses personalized solutions that meet you where you are.

Need some direction? Keep reading at my website!

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Increasing Sales in Uncertain Times

During difficult economic times like COVID-19, it can be hard to break into new markets. One of the best things to do now is to better serve your existing customers. Think about what’s working and what isn’t!
These should be your first priorities:
  • Review your sales process. Are your sales what they should or need to be (as compared to your goal for sales) - what is working well and what is not working? What is your sales process and approach that is reliable and drives predictable results? If you win only 10% of the time, getting that number to 20% is a small but meaningful improvement!
  • Lead generation and know your numbers. How effective is your lead generation and lead follow-up? What is your lead management system and how well is it helping you with leads, lead management and conversions through your selling process? If you don’t know your numbers are you flying blind, and how will you adjust if you are off course?
  • Know your customers. Know what their favorite services or products are and be aware of their wellbeing during this time. Ask yourself how you can better serve them, and how you can help then during the COVID-19 pandemic or as they prepare to build their business as the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.
  • Build referral relationships. The best referrals come from satisfied customers. Focus on doing everything you can for your current customers and showing them that you care. And don’t be afraid to ask for referrals! It doesn’t have to be a sales pitch—just ask them to share their good experiences with your business and send a friend or two your way!
  • Reward loyal customers. This will look different for every business, but the customers that stick by you should recognized! Consider offering discounts for frequent retail customers, or a tasteful gift basket in B2B relationships. Find what makes sense for you!
Increasing sales isn’t easy or simple, but these should provide a good starting point for any business. For more information, keep reading here!