Monday, May 24, 2021

Plan for the Unthinkable!

Few business owners would have predicted a pandemic in 2020. But savvy business owners may have planned for contingencies such as supply line interruptions or workforce shortages. Pandemics, natural disasters, rent or location events, or the unexpected loss of life – these are things we don’t want to think about. But if you don’t think about them, and the unthinkable happens, how will your business hold up? 

Make planning for the unthinkable a critical part of your strategic planning. Call David for guidance! 

For more information, visit our website!

Monday, May 10, 2021

Plan for the Long Term

Having an exit strategy in place when you start your business ensures you’ve taken the right steps toward success, left less to chance, and are prepared to make informed, rational decisions when or if the time comes that you need the exit strategy. You won’t be rushed – won’t be as likely to make decisions based on emotions, under stress. Instead, you will execute a thoughtfully formed plan. 

When you plan for your success, don’t forget to plan for the long term! And don’t forget to call David for guidance. With over 40 years of business experience, he can help you lead your business to its greatest potential.

Learn more on our website!