Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Can You See the Forest for the Trees?

So, you’ve analyzed the past year and are ready to dive into your strategic plan. Stop for a moment and ask yourself one last question: am I seeing the complete picture

Chances are you’re not.

No matter how involved you are with all the various aspects of your business – no matter how well you know your people, processes, and products or services – you can only view them from your own perspective. And when you’re as deeply involved as you are, your perspective is influenced by history and what you can see. What about things you can’t see (blind spots). You take for granted that the way things are is how they should be. If it’s not broke, don’t fix it, right? But a process that appears to be working might not be working as well as it could or should. Or, it might depend on outdated resources that could be improved. Looking at your business from a different perspective gives you a fresh insight into the familiar and opens up possibilities.

David Waymann, AdviCoach, can show you how to look at your business from a different perspective. With David’s guidance, you won’t just think outside the box. You’ll step outside the box and look deeply into it. 

Learn more

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Look Back to Move Forward

Year end is a time to look forward to plan for the future of your business. It’s also a time to look backward to assess the past year’s performance with a critical eye. Past successes and failures can both provide valuable information to drive future growth. 

Maya Angelou described her respect for the past, saying “If you don't know where you've come from, you don't know where you're going.” 

Indeed! Our focus in business is often to look to the future – on moving onward and upward. But leaving the past behind, unexamined, leaves a critical gap in your understanding of how to get there. Analyzing the past gives you the wisdom to choose the best future path.

A SWOTT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats, and Trends) analysis is a great way to look back on your year to identify what helped and what hindered your goals.

So is virtual coaching with David Waymann! Learn more on my website.