Friday, August 16, 2024

The “What’s in It for Me” Factor & How It's Essential for Marketing

performance improvement
Learning the What's In It For Me (WIIFM) factor for your customers will help put the focus on them and on their experience before, during, and after receiving what you offer. For many businesses, asking for information about the experience of their customers will help shed light on what is enormously important to them. This at times may be at odds with the view of the business and their team. When you have this information at hand, it can be incorporated into your company’s unique selling or value proposition and guarantee.

You may have heard the phrase ‘stories sell’ – customer stories can make a dramatic difference in making your prospects warm up to what you offer. Donald Miller’s ‘Building a Story Brand’ (2017) is a great read on this topic. You will discover value in understanding the important roles of the hero and the guide.

Next month we will address channels through which to market your company’s offerings.

Building or enhancing your revenue performance will depend on how well you develop your marketing foundations and messaging. To get into the specifics of your business’s marketing efforts, we’ll need to rely on your candid assessment. Is it time to take stock to figure out where success or the lack of it is coming from?

In future months we will examine, separately and in depth, Marketing, Sales, and each of the other Five Business Dangers. We will also provide a free assessment tool that will highlight specific gaps within the Five Business Dangers.

Learn more on our website!

Your Gateway to Performance Improvement and Business Success

If you’re feeling some pressure to address the success of your business, don’t wait – it doesn’t take more than a brief phone call…

David is an accomplished and experienced business professional who brings over 40 years of insight to the table. As a business coach, he specializes in helping business owners prioritize their needs. He can help you examine the health of your business and find critical areas which once addressed will result in performance improvement for your business.

It all starts with a single, free conversation. Call 734-726-5208 today for a free coaching session or contact David today. Your success is waiting!

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