Friday, January 29, 2021

Kick Off the New Year with Confidence

Are you wondering how to move forward from all the unexpected changes you had to make for your business to survive the pandemic?

Lessons learned from the pandemic make it clear that business can’t go on as usual. Everything has changed, from the supply chain, to your workforce, to how your customers shop and what kind of service they expect. The adaptations we’ve been forced to make since March are not going away. Customers are concerned about health risks, have grown more comfortable doing business online, and have come to expect the instant gratification of online shopping, customer service chat-bots, virtual meetings, and the convenience of delivery and curbside pickup.

How do you move forward? With help from David. 

Learn more on our website!

Friday, January 15, 2021

Welcome to the "Next" Normal

Did the pandemic throw an unexpected monkey wrench in your plans for business growth last year?

Welcome to the “next” normal. The last thing any of us expected to interfere with our business last year was a pandemic. Yet, by mid-March, businesses were closed indefinitely, the supply chain was crippled, and our customers were afraid to venture out. Nobody saw it coming. And it’s unlikely any business in America had a contingency plan for pandemic conditions. Did yours?

It can be hard to plan for every situation, even under normal conditions. Even when making planned changes. It’s hard because the roadblocks to our growth aren’t always in plain sight. Or even on our radar – like a pandemic.

David helps you find and tear down the roadblocks. 

Learn more on our website!

Monday, January 11, 2021

Breaking Through Barriers to Change

Business goals that require change across the organization often relate to time, team, or money. Within those broad categories we often chart a pathway forward only to find barriers, some deeply rooted in company culture. In fact, you may not recognize barriers if they’ve been in place for a long time or if they didn’t seem to interfere with successful results.

Being involved in the process grants management a different perspective than staff will have. Likewise, staff might have knowledge of day-to-day processes that management doesn’t see from their perspective. 

David Waymann can help identify and address barriers in your small business – physical, environmental, cultural, mindset, or communication-based – to clear the way for your success. 

Learn more on the website!

Monday, January 4, 2021

What's Holding You Back?

Studies show that change across the organization is hard – in fact an estimated two out of three change initiatives fail. But we know that to pursue goals and be successful requires change, maybe continuous change. So, why do so many change initiatives in pursuit of goals fail? Because many small businesses don’t recognize the barriers within their organization that can trip up their goals. 

David Waymann can help identify and address barriers – physical, environmental, cultural, mindset, or communication-based – to clear the way for your success. 

Learn more on the website!