Tuesday, August 31, 2021

What Does a Post-Pandemic Work-Life Balance Look Like?

Wondering what you can offer to help your team thrive in 2021 … and beyond?

We didn’t expect the pandemic, and we certainly didn’t expect how it would change American business. Technology has become the backbone of business, as millions of Americans moved to a work-from-home model and proved the old-fashioned, 9-5 office model nearly obsolete. With work and home no longer separated by space and time, business is primed for change.

As a result, the work/life and employer/employee balance changed, almost overnight.

Pre-pandemic, it wasn’t uncommon for businesses to consider incentives like casual Fridays and company-provided snacks to boost employee motivation and engagement. The more progressive businesses may have offered perks like onsite gyms, daycare, and wellness programs. The missing link is that they are largely devoted to improving wellbeing while in the workplace. A true work/life balance supports life outside the workplace.  

How do we create a win-win that balances employer with employee needs, wants, and interests?

Visit my website to learn more!

Thursday, August 19, 2021

How Has the Pandemic Affected Employee Motivation?

The pandemic changed American business – maybe forever. The carrot-on-a-stick model of motivating employees is no longer apt. It has lost its luster against the backdrop of a life-changing health crisis like a pandemic. 

How many essential workers put their company’s bottom line above health and safety? How many made alternate living arrangements so they could provide for their families and serve the public while protecting those they lived with and loved?

How many walked away? 

The ever present “help wanted” signs and reports of staffing shortages tell the story. It’s become common to see signs posted outside businesses offering sign-on bonuses and college tuition reimbursement. Unfortunately, it’s becoming all too common to experience shortened hours of service and unexpected closings due to staffing shortages.

So, what does motivate employees now?

To learn more or to schedule an appointment to have a conversation about the “new normal” in business, visit my website!

Monday, July 19, 2021

A Business Transition Plan Makes Moving On Easier

Leaving your company for the next phase in your life may feel more difficult than you anticipate, especially if you’re selling the company. Make your exit plans early to ease your own transition when the end is in sight. Think about the kind of exit you want to make. Which way will you go? What will you choose to do next?

After all, you put a lot of yourself into building your company. Plan your transition to the next phase of your life with equal care and thought.

David can help you develop a business transition plan that ensures a smooth transition while looking out for your financial future.

For more information, visit our website!

Monday, July 5, 2021

Are You Ready for the Next Phase in Your Life?

Have you taken your business as far as you want it to go?

Are you thinking it’s time to retire and enjoy the life you’ve built?

Your strategic plan guided you through various transitions in your business, leading up to the exit you’re now considering. But once the end is in sight, there are other details to consider. For example, how you leave, what you leave behind, and how it will affect you financially

A business transition plan that covers all those elements is key to a seamless exit. It also ensures you’re prepared for the next phase of your life.

To learn more, or to schedule a free call with a business coach about your business transition plan, visit our website!

Monday, June 28, 2021

A Strategic Plan Should Prepare Your Business for Change

How do you plan for contingencies you can’t predict? Think in terms of planning for change instead of specific situations. 

Of course, just having a plan isn’t enough — you need to know when to initiate it. Planning and preparing are only the first steps. You must be constantly assessing threats and be prepared to put your plan into play, if needed. With a plan already in place, you’ll be in a much better position to face whatever challenges arise.  

Make planning for the unthinkable a critical part of your strategic planning. Call David for guidance! 

For more information, visit our website!

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Does Your Strategic Plan Prepare You for the Worst?

Your strategic plan maps your path to success, guiding you and your employees toward growth. It outlines your commitment to success and acts as a GPS to lead you to it. 

But what if you meet an unexpected challenge or emergency and need to take a detour? Plan for that, too!

Preparing for the worst while expecting the best:

  • Demonstrates respect for your employees and/or investors
  • Minimizes loss 
  • Prevents panic and decision making based on emotions 

Knowing what to do during an emergency, and who will do it, can help minimize the impact on your business and employees. The hope is that you’ll never have to use it, but wouldn’t you rather be prepared than not? 

Learn more on our website!

Monday, May 24, 2021

Plan for the Unthinkable!

Few business owners would have predicted a pandemic in 2020. But savvy business owners may have planned for contingencies such as supply line interruptions or workforce shortages. Pandemics, natural disasters, rent or location events, or the unexpected loss of life – these are things we don’t want to think about. But if you don’t think about them, and the unthinkable happens, how will your business hold up? 

Make planning for the unthinkable a critical part of your strategic planning. Call David for guidance! 

For more information, visit our website!

Monday, May 10, 2021

Plan for the Long Term

Having an exit strategy in place when you start your business ensures you’ve taken the right steps toward success, left less to chance, and are prepared to make informed, rational decisions when or if the time comes that you need the exit strategy. You won’t be rushed – won’t be as likely to make decisions based on emotions, under stress. Instead, you will execute a thoughtfully formed plan. 

When you plan for your success, don’t forget to plan for the long term! And don’t forget to call David for guidance. With over 40 years of business experience, he can help you lead your business to its greatest potential.

Learn more on our website!

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

A Business Coach Can Help You Through the Tough Times

Business problems are rarely simple. Often, the visible problem is a symptom of a bigger issue. By the time it comes to your attention, what may have been a simple fix has grown into a complicated problem.

When multiple departments, processes, or outside contributors are involved, an issue can resemble a complicated web of cause and effect with many entwined strands. To get to the root of the problem requires careful attention to avoid causing further damage. 

A business coach is an expert detangler, bringing experience, skills, and a unique perspective to help you get to the root of the issue. 

What’s holding you back from calling David? 

Learn more on our website!

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

What's Keeping You from Working with a Coach?

Do you feel like you’re wearing too many hats in your business?

Are you stretching to make payroll every month?

Are you concerned about high employee turnover?

Those are common concerns in business that sometimes represent serious challenges. But, while they may be common problems, the solutions aren’t always clear. The problem isn’t always as clear as it might seem, either. 

Business problems are rarely simple. Often, the visible problem is a symptom of a bigger issue. By the time it comes to your attention, what may have been a simple fix has grown into a complicated problem.

Learn more about how David can help you get back on track on our website.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

How Will You Lead Your Business Past the Pandemic?

If you’re wondering how you’re going to lead your business past the pandemic, you’re not alone. Small businesses everywhere are struggling to recover. For many it’s not as easy as hanging out the “Open” sign again. 

The pandemic changed the way Americans do business – digital technology has become the norm in everything from restaurant ordering, to product sales, to healthcare delivery. 

Recovery might mean optimizing your office space, adding digital commerce, or delivering your services in new ways. In any case, your business will need to adapt to accommodate new business models. Are you prepared?

AdviCoaches help business owners prioritize their business needs, identify areas of improvement to support those needs, and lead their business to its greatest potential.

Learn more on our website!

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Take Charge of Your Pandemic Recovery!

Fortune recently reported nearly 100,000 small businesses closed their doors by September, due to the pandemic. Now, as business begins to recover, those remaining have an opportunity to fill the gaps if they can successfully navigate the post-pandemic landscape. But the path forward isn’t necessarily clear or easy.

A business coach might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you’re worried about your bottom line, but wouldn’t it help to sit down and talk things over with an experienced business professional who can give you a fresh perspective? 

AdviCoaches help business owners prioritize their business needs, identify areas of improvement to support those needs, and lead their business to its greatest potential.

Learn more on our website!

Friday, January 29, 2021

Kick Off the New Year with Confidence

Are you wondering how to move forward from all the unexpected changes you had to make for your business to survive the pandemic?

Lessons learned from the pandemic make it clear that business can’t go on as usual. Everything has changed, from the supply chain, to your workforce, to how your customers shop and what kind of service they expect. The adaptations we’ve been forced to make since March are not going away. Customers are concerned about health risks, have grown more comfortable doing business online, and have come to expect the instant gratification of online shopping, customer service chat-bots, virtual meetings, and the convenience of delivery and curbside pickup.

How do you move forward? With help from David. 

Learn more on our website!

Friday, January 15, 2021

Welcome to the "Next" Normal

Did the pandemic throw an unexpected monkey wrench in your plans for business growth last year?

Welcome to the “next” normal. The last thing any of us expected to interfere with our business last year was a pandemic. Yet, by mid-March, businesses were closed indefinitely, the supply chain was crippled, and our customers were afraid to venture out. Nobody saw it coming. And it’s unlikely any business in America had a contingency plan for pandemic conditions. Did yours?

It can be hard to plan for every situation, even under normal conditions. Even when making planned changes. It’s hard because the roadblocks to our growth aren’t always in plain sight. Or even on our radar – like a pandemic.

David helps you find and tear down the roadblocks. 

Learn more on our website!

Monday, January 11, 2021

Breaking Through Barriers to Change

Business goals that require change across the organization often relate to time, team, or money. Within those broad categories we often chart a pathway forward only to find barriers, some deeply rooted in company culture. In fact, you may not recognize barriers if they’ve been in place for a long time or if they didn’t seem to interfere with successful results.

Being involved in the process grants management a different perspective than staff will have. Likewise, staff might have knowledge of day-to-day processes that management doesn’t see from their perspective. 

David Waymann can help identify and address barriers in your small business – physical, environmental, cultural, mindset, or communication-based – to clear the way for your success. 

Learn more on the website!

Monday, January 4, 2021

What's Holding You Back?

Studies show that change across the organization is hard – in fact an estimated two out of three change initiatives fail. But we know that to pursue goals and be successful requires change, maybe continuous change. So, why do so many change initiatives in pursuit of goals fail? Because many small businesses don’t recognize the barriers within their organization that can trip up their goals. 

David Waymann can help identify and address barriers – physical, environmental, cultural, mindset, or communication-based – to clear the way for your success. 

Learn more on the website!